If you are lucky enough to afford it physically and financially, traveling is a fantastic way for writers to magnify their horizons. An author has inherent curiosity, so an essay writer has to explore new destinations for travel writing.

The world has several wonders, and any trip can inspire plenty of new ideas. Always remember that the more you explore, the better you will be able to write. Here are some destinations that can inspire any essayist. These places are famous for their literary culture, long histories of writers and beautiful landscapes. While making your travel plans, you must consider these spots.


1. Reykjavik, Iceland

Reykjavik is an excellent place for breathtaking writing experience under Northern Lights. Iceland is also famous for a thriving literary scene. Graphic novels and comics are unforgettable in Iceland. Nexus is a hub of geekdom, with a selection of card games, board games, and costume components. Reykjavik features independent bookshops to make each writer swoon.


2. Buenos Aires (Argentina)

The city inspired Bores and several other writers. You could plan a trip to Buenos Aires to experience its old, special magic. Buenos has tons of cafes, libraries, and bookstores. It is an ideal stomping ground for literary minds.


3. Connemara, Ireland

Ireland has credit for churning out a few fantastic writers. However, the country is famous for its remarkable beauty, but Connemara district is individually stunning. Once you enter the city, it is difficult to leave this place. After exploring Connemara, don’t forget to visit Dublin, a town famous for literature on each corner.


4. Portland, Oregon

Portland, a paradise of unusual and weird locations, has artists of different flavors. The vibrant culture of Portland encourages imagination. While exploring Portland, you can think creatively to break your standard style. Moreover, Portland is home to the best bookstores and countless gems.


5. Kyoto, Japan

Japan brims with spirituality, beauty, and imagination. The dazzling city of Japan is famous for its spiritual culture. The Koyoto has ancient world relics, beautiful gardens, and temples. It is an ideal location to discover new subjects for your travel writing.


6. San Fransisco (Vesuvio Café)

In San Fransisco, you can’t ignore Vesuvio Café because several heavy hitters used this place to write. Established in 1948, the loud beach bar became the plodding grounds of Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and other writers of Beat Generation.

A famous City Lights Bookstore is an excellent place for writers because you can browse different books during your writing break. This café and two-story bar attract clientele for an exciting writing session.


7. Paris, France

Paris is an artistic and cultural hub that no one can miss. Writers can draw inspiration from several art museums. From different people to scenic views on a seine, you can explore many things in Paris.


8. New York City (Mercer Hotel)

Carole Radziwill, famous from New York City Real Housewives, is a renowned writer. He was used to watching people for his inspiration. The lobby of Mercer Hotel can be an ideal place for you to spot compelling characters and steal their dialogues.