Moving to another country invites opportunity to turn a new leaf.  Yet, before locking up for the final time in the old place, consider needs associated to where you’re headed.


You’re Going to Bring Too Much

Before the move, divide belongings and consider three categories: need to bring, don’t need to bring, and needless.  The last category will host a higher number of items than predicted.  You’re going to bring unnecessary items, those you can sell or discard, which saves time, money, and effort during transfer.

You Need More Money

Money fuels the transition from one state or country to another.  Most don’t realise they need more funds, miscalculating costs associated to shipping multiple vehicles, paying for visas, or getting pet vaccinated.  Most don’t put away enough for the move, cut corners, and suffer.

You Won’t Begin Early Enough

It takes weeks, months, or longer to prepare for a major move.  Most don’t allocate enough time or maintain consistency.  Regardless of when planned, assume you won’t have enough time to reserve movers, get visas, vaccinate pets, gather medical records, etc.  Some need more than a year to change countries or states.  Don’t get stuck looking for transportation or other moving needs.  Act now.

You Won’t Keep Contact with Loved Ones

Loved ones feel neglected and deserted by those who change states and countries.  While you’re busy making new friends, finding new restaurants, and arranging the décor of your new living room, friends are left behind and wondering if you’ve forgotten them.  Keep in contact with Google Hangouts, Facebook posts, or weekly written letters.

Bad Attitudes Won’t Change

Some use new environments to change behaviour, but it’s not so easy.  A change of attitude takes more than a change of state or country.  It requires a change in state of mind.  Don’t use a change in scenery to compensate for a poor attitude about a job, relationship, or self esteem.  Some need ‘a change,’ but it requires more than crossing state lines.  Keep high hopes regarding the new destination but don’t assume it will solve present problems.

Everyone Feels Homesick

Those who are away from home for extended periods or make major changes affecting social life, career, or daily activity, get homesick.  It’s human to feel emotion and long for familiar faces, places, and good feelings.  It’s intimidating to be in a new place.  It could take months or longer to begin to find one’s niche in a new environment.  It’s okay to feel homesick but don’t let longing for the past interfere with opportunities to make a happy future.

You Will Stay in the House Too Much

Those who move somewhere new are introduced to a lot of new stimuli.  It’s tiring and in some situations, even extroverts retreat from social scenes.  However, it’s important to get out of the house; this is especially crucial for those who are introverted, shy, and move alone.  Join a gym, take a class, and visit local nightclubs and bars to stay away from home and meet new people.  Home offers familiar items and most things outside are strange.  But, don’t use your new place as a crutch.  Get out.

You Won’t Take Care of Yourself

It’s common to neglect exercise and diet after a move.  Take care and keep healthy after a major move.  Get familiar with local grocery stores and eat well.  You are what you eat and living off fast food and takeout is a horrible way to start a diet in a new place.

You’re No Longer a Big Fish

Remember to be humble in a new place.  You’re no longer the ‘big fish,’ as you were back home among familiar places and people.  Learn how people act in the new environment.  This may mean learning a new language or social norms.  You want to start on the right foot and have people think you’re a great person to know.  Be kind and mind your manners in your new environment.

Erin Egge grew up in a military family and has moved to various countries over the years. Now grown up, she likes to help others with life changes by posting online. Look for her interesting and informative articles on a number of top websites and blogs.