SCUBA Diving: Local Diving At Its Best

In an effort to combine our last two posts about scuba diving and local travel, we decided it might be beneficial to write a post about local scuba diving.  It’s true.  You can actually scuba dive in Central North Carolina, and there are quite a few reasons why...

Spring Break SCUBA

What to do for spring break…. It’s the age-old question that arises each year for all college kids. And since this spring break was technically our last one, we had to make it epic! Unfortunately, being at different schools meant our breaks didn’t line up exactly, but...

Christmas Cruise

Santa brought us a wonderful Christmas present this year–a christmas cruise!!! This was the first time Casey had ever been on one so needless to say she was super stoked. It was a family affair including about 13 of my relatives eager to put Casey to the test....