There can be something intimidating about entering a casino for the first time, especially if you are more accustomed to online casino sites  than the brick and mortar variety. Whether it’s the security guards with their walkie-talkies, the protocol of where to change your chips, which table to sit at and which slot machine to try, it can add up to a daunting experience. And whatever about your local casino, that feeling is magnified when you pay a visit to one of Vegas’ swanky casinos. In this article we are going to show you the ropes so that that on your next trip to Las Vegas you will know which casinos to try and what to do when you get there.


First of all, let’s check out a couple of the casinos that are a must for any visitor to the desert. Straight off the bat, the Wynn Las Vegas Casino is one that everybody should experience. The palatial surroundings are everything you imagine that Vegas will be (and so often isn’t!). Whether you are interested in placing bets on the big sports event, playing a poker tournament, testing your blackjack skills or trying your luck at the slots, there is something for you here. The Casino is attached to a beautiful hotel and the dining experience is second to none.



You will no doubt have seen the replica of the Eiffel Tower in some movie or TV show, so why not check out the Paris Las Vegas Casino which adjoins it. You will also find replicas of the Arc de Triomphe, Le Fontaine des Mers and a giant hot air balloon in the vicinity as well. When it comes to gambling action, this casino has a lot to offer as well. There are more than 1,700 slot machines to choose from, along with a huge variety of gaming tables. As sports betting is illegal in much of the United States outside of Vegas, the big screens will be surrounded by eager bettors clutching their betting slips and hoping that their team gets a win. If you want more of a European feel then why not pop along to Gordon Ramsey’s London themed restaurant at Paris Las Vegas with to put your winnings to good use.


When it comes to the sensation of nervousness or being intimidated, well that is something you can work on in advance. The secret is to be prepared, and the best way to get some prep work in is to do plenty of online casino playing before you visit the big casinos in Vegas. Having done that, the real thing won’t come as such a shock. After you go inside, exchange however much you have allocated for your gambling entertainment into chips at the cashier’s window. The best advice you will ever receive is not to exceed your budget: when the chips run out, you do the same!.



When it comes to slot machines, they make a good starting point when you first enter a casino. Sit down, start spinning those reels, and somebody will be along with a complimentary drink before too long! When you’re feeling more at east, it will be time to make an approach to one of the gaming tables. This is where the newbie can become intimidated, but if you’ve practiced at home you won’t notice too much of a difference. Most people choose either roulette or blackjack as their default gaming tables, as these are both familiar and easy to play games. A great idea is to play some ‘live dealer’ games at home on an online casino before you go to visit the real thing. This will give you a feel for the patter of the croupier and what type of bets are placed.


A more ‘advanced’ option is the craps table – that’s the one with all the people standing around cheering and making a whole lot of noise. While this table looks like the most confusing of all, again practice can come to your aid here. Play online, and focus on simple – and great value – bets like the Pass Line and Come bets. These bets are really very simple and mean you don’t have to worry about the more complex areas of the game. You can just enjoy one of the most exciting casino gambling experiences available.