Practicalities of Living Abroad: Working Visas and Applications


People are often intrigued about the life we live. Yes, we are full-time travelers. No, we are not full-time vacationers. Yes, we work on our computers. No, we are not trust-fund babes. And as we continue to explain our nomadic existence, the number one response we here is: “I want to do that too. But, I don’t have the money.”


We understand. Traveling does take money, and not everyone is interested in pursuing freelance work via the Internet. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t go see the world. A work visa can strike the perfect balance between travel and an income. With a work visa, you can immerse yourself in a new culture and experience a different country, but be assured of an income at the same time.


We asked Liam Clifford of for his advice on the subject:


A Cruising Couple: What do you recommend to people who want to travel or live abroad and work at the same time?


Liam: “Work permits and Working Holiday Visas are extremely popular as they offer opportunities to live and work in Canada, Australia and many countries worldwide.  These visas are often the first step in emigrating for good, while working overseas also provides valuable experience, which looks great on your CV if you do return home.


Low unemployment rates in many countries make finding a job straightforward.  More young people than ever now want to live and work overseas. This means UK is now losing more of her sons and daughters to the lure of life overseas each year.  Luckily many do come back eventually but a large percentage do not.”


One of the most important things to have to be successful at securing a Working Holiday Visa is flexibility. Different countries offer different work visas, so do your research and be open to the various opportunities that you find. Here are a few resources to get you started:


Working Holidays in Australia

Australia’s Working Holiday and Work and Holiday programs allow young people to experience Australia long-term, with supplemented short-term employment. If you’re between the years of 18-30 with no dependent children, you could be on your way to Oz in no time. For detailed information on the visa application process, go to the Australian government webpage alternatively you can check out information for Australia on the IXPVisas website.


Working Holidays in New Zealand


New Zealand is one of Dan’s favorite places in the world. And with just one look at his photographs, it’s really no wonder why. Luckily, New Zealand also has a working holiday program, and it’s one we have considered applying to ourselves. There is a comprehensive listing of job and internship resources for those who would like I concrete idea of job opportunities before applying for the visa.


Teach English Around the World


Teaching English is a fun and rewarding career, as well as an excellent way to save money. We wrote a comprehensive, two-part blog series on Why You Should Teach English Abroad—And How To Do It. We only have experience in Taiwan, but other popular destinations include China, Japan, Thailand, and Korea.


Anywork, Anywhere


As the saying goes: “We haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on our list.” This interactive grid from Anywork, Anywhere provides detailed information about countries providing working holidays, exchange programs, and temporary work visas. Not only is it a practical tool, it’s a great distraction while in the office.


Hopefully these ideas have refueled your wanderlust. More than anything, remember that money doesn’t have to be the thing holding you back from seeing the world. As long as you’re passionate and determined, you can travel long-term.